Divorce Better Knoxville offers CLE/CME opportunities throughout the year. Please contact me if there is a topic you would like to have presented or if you are interested in presenting a CLE. I will make all the arrangements and you will receive double CLE credit as the presenter. Past programs have included:
Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce Training (12 hrs CLE/CME) The Role of the Financial Neutral in Collaborative Divorce (1 hr CLE) Starting a Successful Collaborative Practice Group (1 hr CLE) Limited Scope Notice Requirements in Collaborative Divorce (1 hr CLE) Expand Your Practice with Collaborative Divorce (9 hr Basic Collaborative Law training; 9 hr CLE/6hr CME) Family Law for Same Sex Couples in Knoxville (1.5 hr CLE) This Isn't Your Parents Divorce: New options for Divorcing Couples (1hr CLE) Bankruptcy & Divorce (1hr CLE) The Ethics of Mediating for Unrepresented Parties (1hr CLE/CME) The Ethics of Offering Limited Scope Legal Services (2 hr CLE) Avoiding Critical Financial Errors in Divorce Settlements (2 hr CLE) Presented by an experienced CFP®, CDFA™, and Senior Financial Advisor